This article will guide you through the process of choosing which demographics display on an area layer or changing the order in which they display. Demographics are not available for location layers.
You will need to be an Organisation Administrator to do this.
Required time: 5 minutes
Getting ready
Access your Organisation Administration Home page. If you're unsure how to do this, use this article.
You can choose which demographics display on a layer when creating a new layer, or at any time afterwards.
If you've already created the layer, follow these steps to get prepared. Otherwise, skip to Getting started.
- Click Layers in the navigation bar
- Click on the layer you want to change demographics for
- At the top of the page, click the blue Edit button
- Click Continue to move through the wizard until you reach Demographics.
Getting started
Your first task is to select how you want to start your selection. Click Let me choose my demographics to begin.
We kick things off from the Demographics page of the Create new layer and Edit layer wizards.
Before you begin the process of selecting demographics you have two options to choose from:
- Start with the existing selection for the layer by leaving This layer selected under Start with demographics on. You should also use this option if you're just wanting to change the demographic display order.
Note: When creating a new layer, this starts with no pre-selected demographics. - Start with the selection you've already made for another area layer by selecting that layer under Start with demographics on. This will also copy the demographic display order from the selected layer.
Note: If just want to copy the selection and display order from another layer, and don't want to make changes, you can just click Continue to move on.
Let's move on to making a selection. Click Make changes to the selected demographics to continue.
Selecting the demographics
You are now able to select which demographics you want to include. The first page displays all demographics that meet the following requirements:
- They are available within your subscription.
They are one of your private demographics.
and - They are compatible with this layer because they provide values for your chosen base layer.
Click demographics to select or deselect them. If they're green, they're selected. Use Select all / Deselect all to operate on entire groups.
As this list can get very long, we've implemented a filtering mechanism that works on a contains, case-insensitive basis (matching ten in House Tenure). Additionally,
- If the match is found in the group name, all demographics within the group are displayed.
- If the match is found in a demographic name, then only the demographics that match your filter within the group are displayed.
- If you use the Select all or Deselect all buttons while using a filter, only the currently-displayed demographics within that group will be selected or deselected.
Make your selection and then click Continue to move on.
Changing the display order for demographics
The final part of selecting your demographics is to set their order of appearance when working in this layer. We recommend having the ones most important to your business at the top.
To reorder demographics, you need to select the ones you want to reposition by clicking their checkbox in the leftmost column. When you make a selection, this will then enable the buttons at the top to control the movement.
Tip. If you want to move all the demographics from a specific group, click the bold group name in the right-most column to quickly select them all.
If there is a gap in your selection, demographics selected after the gap will "jump" the required positions to bring your selection together.
- Move up. Moves the entire selection up one position from the top-most selected.
- Move down. Moves the entire selection down one position from the top-most selected.
- Move to top. Moves the entire selection to position 1 from the top-most selected. This will also clear your current selection.
- Move to bottom. Moves the entire selection to the last position from the bottom-most selected. This will also clear your current selection.
Click Save and close to confirm your demographic selection. This will not save your changes until you complete the Create new layer / Edit layer wizard.
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