Vision allows you to share an area you've created with anyone that has access to a browser and internet connection. The recipient can be in or out of your organisation and does not need to be a registered Vision user.
- You should have created the area you want to share.
- The layer containing the area you want to share should be turned on.
- The area you want to share should be visible on the map.
Required time: Under 1 minute.
Enable sharing for the area
Areas you create are not shared by default, so first we must enable sharing to create a unique link.
Click the area on the map to open the information window, and then click the blue 'Actions' button at the bottom to open the Action Menu.
Look for the 'Sharing' heading and click the green button titled 'Enable sharing'.
If you see a red button titled 'Disable sharing', then the area is already enabled. Do not disable and re-enable sharing as this will create a new link, and any existing links to the area will no longer work.
Sharing a link to the area
Now that you have enabled sharing, under the 'Sharing' heading of the Action Menu, you will see a blue button titled 'Send a link'. Click it.
You now have two options.
Option 1 - Copy the unique link and paste this into your own email
If you'd prefer to write your own email, or save the link in another system, simply click the blue button titled 'Copy' to paste the unique link to your clipboard as shown below.
This feature is supported by most major browsers, but if your browser does not support this, simply click in the unique link field (the link will automatically select for you) and manually copy the value.
Option 2 - Send links using Vision
You can send professional emails to up to 5 recipients at a time from within Vision. Enter each recipient's email address in the relevant fields, and then click the green button titled 'Send a link' at the bottom.
That's it! You've just shared an area with someone in Vision!
Frequently asked questions
How many areas can I share with someone?
There are no limits to how many areas you share with any one individual. However, as each area has its own unique link, you will need to send the recipient the links for all areas you want to share with them.
How many people can I share an area with?
There are no limits to how many people can receive a link to the same area. You can send emails from within Vision to up to 5 recipients at a time, but there is no limit to how many times you use this feature.
What happens if I change the area?
If you make changes to the area's boundary, all people who have received a link will see those changes when they next open the link.
Does the unique link expire?
No. Once enabled for sharing, the link will work until you disable the area for sharing.
Can I include the link in my own system or within my website?
Yes. Simply copy the link for the area to your clipboard and paste in the relevant location.
Can I disable sharing and then re-enable it later?
Yes. Disabling sharing on an area prevents anyone who was given the unique link from accessing it with immediate effect. When you re-enable sharing for an area, a brand new unique link will be created - the old link will not work.
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